Source code for nti.ntiids.interfaces

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Interfaces relating to NTIIDs.

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

# pylint: disable=inherit-non-class, no-self-argument, no-method-argument

from zope import interface

from zope.interface.common.sequence import IMinimalSequence
from zope.interface.common.builtins import ITuple

from nti.schema.field import TextLine

assert ITuple.implementedBy(tuple)

[docs]class INTIID(ITuple, IMinimalSequence): """ Represents the parts of an NTIID that has been parsed. In addition to the named fields, this object acts as a 4-tuple, (provider, type, specific, date). Note that NTIID components are text (unicode), and ntiid strings are also unicode. """ provider = TextLine(title=u"The username of the creating/providing entity.") nttype = TextLine(title=u"The type of the NTIID.") specific = TextLine(title=u"The type-specific portion of the NTIID.") date = TextLine(title=u"The date portion of the NTIID.")
[docs]class INTIIDResolver(interface.Interface): """ An object that can take an NTIID and produce the object to which it refers. These should be registered as components named for the ntiid type (e.g, OID). """ def resolve(ntiid_string): """ :return: The object to which the `ntiid_string` refers, or None if it cannot be found. """